May the 4th is here and with it is our new trailer for the Kenobi limited series. It also means we get knew Obi-wan Kenobi shirts!
Thanks to Redditor u/BPH3, we got a look at the newest shirt designs for Kenobi.
One of the main plot points for Kenobi will be a re-match between Obi-wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, his former apprentice and best friend.
This will re-contextualize their meeting in A New Hope, and Obi-wan:
I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master
A New Hope (1977)
Naturally, many of these new Kenobi shirts focus on this new fight.
UPDATE: And god, what a great fight it was. I’m still thinking about that excellent sound editing with shift from the voice of Hayden Christiensen as Anakin, to the voice of James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
I am looking forward to Kenobi. Seeing the Inquisitors in live action is exciting, and I am most excited for the new character Reva. And it’s also great to see Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, too. Update: And who know Aunt Beru was so hard core? I can see why it was Beru encouraging Luke to leave the planet.
That woman wanted the best for her nephew, but I think she was afraid of nothing. Uncle Owne and Aunt Beru must of torn up those Stormtroopers as they went down fighting in A New Hope.
I will be posting all new Kenobi shirts today so you can find them in one convenient place!
Update: I’ve taken off some of the lesser ones, to focus on the best designs. Not every design translates well to shirt. But for those that do, I’ve highlighted them here on this blog.
Here is what some of the new shirts look like:

There a lot to love with the new Obi-wan Kenobi series. Having Ewan McGregor reprise his role from the Prequel Trilogy was not something I thought I’d ever see, but I’m am happy we have it.
But more than anything, the rumors on Reddit and Youtube indicate we’ll see a lot of angst with the former Anakin Skywalker. I’m hoping we’ll have some dramatic dialogue with Kenobi reminding his former Padawan of his love for his wife Padme. Update: Yeah, no, that didn’t happen. But Obi-wan did talk to Leia about Padme, even if he didn’t say her name. And he honored Anakin, the man he just fought.
Such an emotional and heart wrenching scene. Anyways, MORE SHIRTS!
And I am REALLY hopeful we’ll see the glorious, fantastic, Emperor Palpatine. I’m that crazy old guy’s biggest fan, LOL. Update: Yeah he was there! Yay! He was full of sass and disdain, like usual.
My favorite of the Kenobi shirts so far are the cartoonish ones.