It’s only a day before Disney Plus day on September 8th, and already the Bad Batch Season 2 shirts are being released on Amazon!
While it’s yet to be officially confirmed when the second season of Star Wars the Bad Batch begins, it is likely to be September 28th based on a few rumored leaks, as seen on one news outlet (courtesy of user Skywalker 1000000 on Reddit)
UPDATE: Boy oh boy, was that ever wrong! But it’s rather funny, as this show was truly intended to come out in the fall. However, the season ended up being delayed until February. So we had these designs to speculate about for quite a while until it aired.
At any rate, Amazon has already started released the shirt designs for the Bad Batch’s second season this afternoon. You can check them out here!
This is the shirt for Hunter’s new mask, which has more orange tones, though this shirt features a stylized appearance.
Update: We never did learn when and why the Bad Batch updated all this armor. It was apparently off screen in the months leading up to season 2. Maybe they couldn’t get red paint as easily. Maybe they collectively agreed on a change. I’m hoping that one day we’ll get a collection of short stories that tell these little bits of life for the clones.
Out of universe however, I think the thematic elements point to the Bad Batch moving away from red as it stands for evil. Not that the Bad Batch are evil, of course they aren’t. My point is that the entire Clone Wars was created by the Sith, and the Bad Batch were a part of that, even if unwittingly. They are choosing to go against the Empire, and so orange is a color shift away from that.
There is also one for Tech up.
Update: Oh my god, you Tech fans still reading this. Well, if Tech never comes back in season 3, I guess this is the last look you’ll ever see him in. So we had about 2 years of cool The Bad Batch shirts with Tech on it, and that’s it.
Because if Tech does come back in season 3, there is no way there will be leaked merchandise with him on it. None. I hate that, but they will want to avoid spoilers. And there is a good chance he won’t come back at all. I’ve been wondering this whole time if he’s simply the first Bad Batcher to die. A lot of time was developed to his story…
This shirt below is the one I’m most excited for: The Bad Batch and Omega! It’s fun seeing a somewhat older Omega with longer hair.
Update: Omega was so cute with her longer hair. And Wrecker was the same as usual. From what I’ve seen of season 3, Omega’s hair gets longer. She was a little taller for season 2 as well, but it was hard to gauge at times. Wrecker didn’t have much character development this season, but I felt most of it was in first season.
And naturally, we get a shirt design with Wrecker. Still waiting for Crosshair and Echo, we may see more of those later this evening.
Update: honestly, there never was much in the way of shirts past this first merch drop. Which was a bit disappointing, as season 1 had quite a bit. Hopefully, more Crosshair stuff will come out next season. Echo had a cool arc for season 2, and he is becoming a more instrumental part of the story.
I’ve given at least one speculative theory about Omega’s new helmet in in the second season of Bad Batch. We’re also still learning more about Omega herself. Probably the biggest wowzers moment in the trailer for Bad Batch season 2 has been a shot of Omega on Coruscant with Palpatine and Mas Amedda behind her on that big screen.
Update 06/02/23: No story for the helmet, lol. Hey, I’m full of speculation, most of it doesn’t happen.
And you know if Palpatine’s there, I’m there! So far, I think we’ll get three point of view story lines for season 2. I think we will get the main one of The Bad Batch–Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo. I think we’ll have the point of view of Crosshair with the Empire. And finally, I think we’ll get the view of things from my favorite kaminoan cloner, Nala Se.
Update 06/02/23: Hey, I was right about that!
The Bad Batch season 2 looks to be exciting as all get out, and I hope for a longer form trailer tomorrow!